Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Science Students…

The ironic story of (some) science students…

1. Consume Mamee frequently when mothers say that junk food is bad for you…

2. Cut electrophoresis gel with the use of UV light, by looking straight at the UV with naked eyes…

3. Wear short pants when in the labs…

4. Eat Choki-Choki (chocolate strip) like nobody’s business – up to 10 a day…

5. Overdosed consumption of paracetamol (Panadol®).

6. Play poker cards in the lab while waiting for the lab results…

7. Sleep on the work bench used for bacteria culture etc.

8. Eat and drink in the lab when students are prohibited from eating in the lab.

9. Instead of preparing / pipetting harmful chemicals in the fume hood, they do it in the open air.

10. Cam-whore in the lab like no body’s business.

If you’re one of them… do be very aware of all these mistakes, try to *ahem* reduce them as much as possible. Also, if you’ve more to add, you’re welcome to send your suggestions to me =P




By the way, to the Setapak friends… I’ve always wanted to show you guys this…



P/S: Please don’t be jealous ar… =P

One response to “Science Students…”

Më| §zë said...

i'm so jealous..!!!
sob sob...

as for the regulations, erm, maybe you could add, 3 person sharing 1 laminar flow cabinet, doing 3 different bacteria culture?

but memang kekurangan laminar flow cabinet la...
