Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year, New Dreams, Old Resolutions...

Yeah, that's right. New Year, New Dreams, but I'm sure YOU still have some old resolutions yet to be achieved for year 2008. Am I right?

I myself don't usually make new year resolutions because I know most of the time, I wouldn't be able to complete the resolutions...

For instance,
Resolution 1: More exercise
By Dec 31 2008, I spent half of my year studying and most of my holidays lepak at home rather than going out exercising.

Resolution 2: Go out and take more good photographs
By Dec 31, 2008, I have taken so many photographs yet I needed a better camera to capture more breathtaking photographs. Anyway, practice makes perfect and it takes time okay?!

Resolution 3: Revise more frequently and do my own notes.
By Dec 31, 2008, most of my notes are lecture notes - making your own notes makes no sense because the textbooks 'talked' too much! Also, I spent most of my time trying to remember stuffs rather than revising. Is memorising considered revising?

As you can see... most of the resolutions may come true easily, while some others are hard to achieve. And most of the time, you'll be making up excuses not to execute your resolutions. So take my advise, ahem, don't make a resolution list. Seriously, methinks, it is just a waste of time. Sitting there 3 to 4 hours drafting a new year resolution is a total waste of time.

INSTEAD, plan something you can achieve. Something that will not put a burden on yourself. For instance:

Plan 1: I need to read 100 books this year. (Wrong)
Plan 1: I need to read only 5 books this year because Malaysians only read 5 books a year. Textbook is considered a book right? How about newspaper?(Right)

Plan 2: I need to go out and workout, no matter how busy I am. (wrong)
Plan 2: I need to go out and workout. If I have no time, I should consider walking more around campus to compensate the insufficient time for exercise in the gym. (Right)

Plan 3: I need to save up money to buy this, buy that... (Wrong)
Plan 3: Hey, no money how to buy stuffs? SAVE MONEY LAR! By the way, recession is getting worse. So better save up for the soon-coming rainy day. (Right)

See. It make sense, doesn't it? Making things easier to be achieved.

Enough said, HAPPY NEW YEAR and thanks for reading my blog. CHEERS!!!

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