Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Clue 9 of 10

Here’s a recap of all the photos published for the guessing game…  Clue 02 Clue 03 Clue 01Clue 04 Clue 05 Clue 06 Clue 07 Clue 08

So… any idea what this is all about yet?? Still need more help? Here’s another clue….

Clue 09

I think this clue 9 helps a lot in decision making process… haha

All the best to everyone… You’ll get the answer in Clue 10…

*Note: Someone has actually found the answer to the quiz... but let's not reveal it just yet alright? you can page me directly to check your answer... :)

Be as specific as possible. And for those who know the answer, please SHUT UP! hehe... let others have the opportunity to guess, okay? Thanks.

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