Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Study, studie, studied, stupied, stupid - Stupid-ified!

Well, my final exam results are out... But I'm not that happy with it, because I know I've not studied hard enough just yet. Perhaps I can do better. Somehow, I felt that, "All work and no play makes Mike dull boy"... I don't know about other friends, however, I felt that I'm now studying for the sake of getting good grades in my finals, and not for the sake of knowledge. Friends, you're welcome to comment here!

Anyway, I'm sick of browsing my 3" thick Microbiology everyday. So what I'm going to do is, I'm going to assign a new name to everyone in my class, whereby their names would be the scientific names of bacteria, viruses and many other microorganisms..... *Secretly*.... So if I mistakenly called you by a scientific name, please do not hesitate to ask me what's that microbe..... haha, or you can either ignore it and think that "All MICROBIOLOGY and no play makes MIKE a CRAZY boy"!!

So many things to do - reports, industrial training stuffs, letters, 4 x assignments!! I'm going to bed.... zzZZzzZZzz

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