True enough… the very cool thing turn out to be a toy gun… more specifically, bb gun…
I know that the gun is illegal in Malaysia unless you have the license to play paintball or you are the extreme sport's instructor.
the owner of the BB gun will not be disclosed to protect the owner, his friends and their safety from being caught by the officials… :)
So… here are some of the “Gun Models” to model with the gun… haha
The most excited guy in the room must be RQ lor…
He was very restless and high and did some crazy stuffs with the BB gun…

See… Played too much CS already….
He wanted to explore more….

He just can’t get enough of it…
RQ wanted to show off more of his muscles… haha… so he rolled up his sleeves…

Then, it was Greg’s turn… as usual with his crazy attics…

Trying out…
Then, my turn… Thanks to Greg for taking the photos for me…
This one somehow looked a bit weird…
This must be the funniest of all… with some one at the back looking at me… haha

Anyway… this is what happens when there is no proper photography background to work with. See all the noise and disruptions… It ruined most of the shots… like the one right above…
I guess I’ll have to borrow the gun again to do more photo shooting… somewhere in the jungle… haha
AGAIN, I must emphasize that, the owner of the gun will not be disclosed to protect him and his friends from being caught by the armed forces of Malaysia.
Thank you…