Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fire Escape Rehearsal

The best fire rehearsal ever! Never once had this experience. The firefighters actually let us try all the important steps on putting out fire.

When I was in high school, our school merely let one person demonstrate, while the others just stood by to watch. Same goes to our universities in Malaysia.

Here’s the first one, putting out fire with a fire extinguisher.


This one was quite fun but slightly scary: to use the descending device to lower yourself down safely. Extremely helpful for high rise buildings.




And this last one, which I didn’t try, was on how to use the fire hydrant.


Definitely love the experience. At least I learnt how to save myself and others during a fire.


Anyways, here are some photos of my other classmates… Hopefully I could remember their names by the end of the month. They’ve headed home for Mooncake Festivals and I’ll be celebrating mine here in Hualien.



Till then, best wishes to everyone! Take care. More tk.

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