Sunday, September 4, 2011

Not as simple as it seemed…

I may be here, closer to Master. But a Tzu Ching said something very meaningful to me today, “You might as well be spiritually closer to Master than just to stay closer to her.”

I may now be studying in Tzu Chi University, but the truth is, students here do not necessarily agree with our Tzu Chi Humanity standards. As college and university students are just as playful, they tend to do what they like, such as being disrespectful by not wearing clothing in the Temple of Buddha, or do things like not attending class, categorizing people etc.

At this very moment, I felt like I’m studying in a university with students worse than UTAR for some reason… haha

Nonetheless, I would try as much to blend in. Changing myself as much as possible to suit them. But there are 2 things for sure that they will NEVER change me:

1. I am a PROUD and CONTRIBUTIVE member of the Buddhist Tzu Chi Organization, and

2. I would never ever change my vegetarian diet.

So here, I include the second tip:

TIP #02:

What ever you do, try to make yourself small. The smaller you are, the easier you can blend in. Do what is right for yourself, believe in yourself. Have a still mind, and be flexible to learn. You will adapt quickly to the environment.

Best wishes to everyone. Really hoped to post some photos soon.

2 Responses to “Not as simple as it seemed…”

Susie Phang said...

Wise words from a young man!After reading your blog, I am very happy you have grown up to be a thoughtful man.Your good karma is sprouting. I simply love all your photos,(sorry I have not been following your posts in FB for a while already).Your blog and photos are interesting and beautiful.Keep up the beautiful work.Yes Richard you are right when you describe yourself ( he could be more than just a common typical guy. Now, he's on his journey to see the world, to try things he has never done before, be it extreme sports or soul soothing, he wants to experience them all.)Live your life to the fullest.May you be well and happy.Cheerio.