Friday, April 10, 2009


Proteins are supposed to be good for you… But it isn’t so for me… I do like to consume them, but sometimes, too much would make you sick.

The study of proteins is called ‘Proteomics’ and you need to know why you need to study them… So why? You need to know what proteins can do to your body, and how the use of it is being influenced by the structure…

Yada, yada, yadaa… I know it’ll bore you with the difficult words. But by the end of the day, I still need to have great affinity towards proteins… because I love proteins…

So should I take proteins for my FYP ar? Of course, I need proteins to survive right? hehe

P/S: Don’t worry if you’ve no idea what I’m talking about… I don’t know either… Argh! I’m suffering form Wernicke’s aphasia!… yelp!

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