Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Thanks, my dear friends…

Well, it’s a treat for me today. Having to dine with my good friends and understanding buddies.

We had pizza for dinner. It was a great fun and a good long chat.

So, we ordered some pizza and started to do some things… Such as taking photographs…


Then this guy wants his photo taken… Never ending…


Since we ordered salad, we planned to build a salad tower… We started off by putting in the base…


Then add more stuffs… with thousand island sauce and mayo as ‘cement’… haha!


Construction almost complete…


Construction completed…


I know… kinda low ‘tower’ only… cause we actually ordered a lot of food to eat… look at the amount of pizza at the back…


Last but not least, thanks to the person who made it all happen today… non other than Ren Quan, and also my other friends!


Thanks a lot!

P/S: If you want to know why… ask them why they treat me! Don’t ask me… I wouldn’t tell!

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